x Preprelim x
Thursday, June 30, 2005 @ 8:43 PM
todae's Preprelim
maths paper 1. (:
not tat bad.
manage to do
almost all.
of cos wont get
all correct.
Tried my best.
actually not really.
didnt think a lot.
I think I will
Minus abt 10 marks?
I hope soo..
at least a 70/80.
hope hope hope.
suddenly when everyone
was focusing, it rained
Cats and Dogs. (:
did the exam all the way
till 10.05 am? abt there.
Lesson carried on as usual.
English lesson. Made Mr Tan
fed up, but he still so funny
and Cute! (:
we are all talking abt
maths.. Mr tan suddenly
shouted, "OIE! U all cont.
to talk, I am going to leave
this classroom!" Lolx.
We really stop.
not totally silent.
still quite noisy.
greeted Mr Tan.
He told us to take
our paper out.
then give us 5 mins
to talk abt maths.
so gd of him.
then learn
more phrases.
oso learn abt
Sunday Brunch.
Cool thingy.
oso listen abt
Hooters. (:
a restaurant
at clack quay.
- How to spell tat?
went thru oral.
it was the same as the
Internal / Prelim
Oral. The one i did badly.
sigh. nvm.
We learn frm our mistakes.
after recess was.. chinese.
oh well. did my zhuo ye
during recess. OMG.
I leave a blank. =x
after which was Geog..
recieve a time-table.
every Fri will be having
SS or Geog Test. Damn.
tmr oso have. suckss..
Hear ms wu talk talk talk.
awhile later bell goes.
dingg dongg..
Maths lesson. (:
not bad.
No lesson today.
Mr Lee say today
is a rest. Shall cont.
tmr. then oh well.
half an hour did nthing.
was talking..
oso discussing abt
the paper 1. yeah!
some gt correct. (:
then talk with Mr lee.
follow by Sally and Yx.
where shall we study??
at tamah Jurong Mcd?
maybe tats a gd place.
Quiet. (:
after dismissal went to
check the oral thingy.
have to remember the
candidate number.
tats all for sch. (:
heex. gtg.
study time. (:
x Tired x
Wednesday, June 29, 2005 @ 7:36 PM
here again.
having my break now..
Morning, was soo
tired to wake up!
nearly couldnt. ) :
went to sch,
oh man, soo tired.
witness Public caning..
sianz. Preprelim starts
today! oh man.
All the best to those
who are taking it. (:
first period was
Physics. Learn
about Work,
Energy and Power.
W.D = F X D
Lolx. [:
after which is Chinese.
still haven know the
Oral marks.. sigh..
didnt do anything.
teacher was going thru
the textbook. oh well.
she keep asking us to read.
"Oral is comingg."
21 July. ) :
Maths lesson..
Mr lee! (:
talk awhile.
go thru paperss..
didnt finish going thru.
recess was almost gone.
but no big deal.
Maths is more important
than Recess! (:
By the time Mr lee
finish explaining
some qns to a grp
of us, the next lesson
is here...
a lesson we had be
waiting for. (:
gt our oral marks..
oh well. Didnt get
wad I expected. ) :
sigh.. 5, 7, 10.
oh well. only 22.
wad happen to my
reading. hmm.
who noes. maybe,
I was too nervous?
Someone help me
with it! EL oral
just a week away!
More practice needed.
8 July. sigh.. ) :
Learn more abt
wad's happening
next week.
Not National Day!
hahas. (:
it was the IOC.
International Olympic
I guess so.
S'pore making money.
woo. Geog lesson. haas.
know more abt this..
then we read some
Newspaper article. (:
A carrot and a Schtick.
Its actually..
A carrot and a stick.
Reward and Punishment.
Know tat in the June
holiday, lots of Pri sch
student's parent is
why huh?
Lots of homework?
The article given to us
was abt how the parent
say abt hitting the books
first then enjoy. oh well.
Guess tats not the
wrong or correct way.
Children are children.
U cant force them. (:
I think I agree with
Mr Tan statement.
"Parents should not
be bothered by this.
As its the responsibility
of the student its self.
As the future is urs."
Agree rite?
Its true.
the future is in
ur own handss.. (:
Chem lesson next.
study abt Petrolium.
so many stuff to remember.
knew tat S'pore's main
income is from selling refine
Oil! The world is also running
out of Petrolium.
Better save it before its gone!
CME next. KSJ not here.
damn her. First time have
lesson with her, she's away.
oh crap rite. (:
also bored in class.
tat Mr kamal was
so bored! =x
wadeva games we played
today was LAME and
STUPID. haa.. (:
rearrange the tabless..
oh well, tmr's the maths
prelim paper 1. Hope
can get A1. I wan A1.
Lolx.. after tat was dismissed.
went home lorh.
study maths. (:
I am Maths Freak.
hahas. Anyway,
Maths rawks! =X
hmm.. tats all.
I need to hit the
books again.
Preprelim is here!
Mr Tan - Take care!
U are still SICK! (:
Mr Lee - U are so cute!
Lolx.. keep rawking! (:
x Fitness Run x
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 @ 3:49 PM
here again.
Went to
Reservoir for
Fitness run!
was kind of
a little late.
then was sitting
in the class area.
Mrs Tan
declared open!
Competion started.
Lots of ppl participating.
Dixie, Richie and Fred
participated. didnt win.
but gd effort! (:
Good Try guys!
looked arnd.
Saw Mr lee.
He winked at me!
so cute! (:
was rotting there. (:
walked arnd.
went to the toilet..
talk to ms wu.
saw a Squirrel!
OMG. Its sooo
CUTE! (:
decided to do
E-maths TYS.
Mrs Gan walked past,
I heard her say..
wah On arh?
Wondering wad is
she talking abt. (:
did all the way
until the announcement
tat Fun run will start.
waited for the lower
sec to go first.
then the upper sec.
we were in the last batch.
walked all the way to
the top. near the forest.
walked past the ponds.
gt big turtless.. (:
The sec 4s are infront.
the run started.
walked with sally.
saw lots of teachers
on the way in the
forest. (:
carried on walking.
Finally after a long
walk, we are exiting
the forest. Yes!
walked up the steep
slope. Tiring.. Phew!
we are out of the forest!
now at the highway.
long long way..
walked almost 3 bus-stop.
long long way man!
then run down the
first slope.
walked till the 2nd slope.
My oral teacher, Ms Lee
was there. (:
she have her
hair straightened.
Looks nice! (:
then ran down
the 2nd slope!
tiring man...
gt a bottle of
plain water.
there's a Van
of Milo! (:
of cos went
to get a cup!
while drinking,
saw Ms wu ran in.
Cool! Proud of her!
decided to take
a cup of milo for her!
Saw Mr Au-yong
finish his race..
he look so Cute!
Lolx! (:
walked arnd.
talked with Mr lee
abt some stuffs.
Maths! (:
then went back
to class area.
sit and waited..
finally its the prize
presentation.. (:
all the houses gt
some prize..
but the winner
for today goes to
how do u spell tat?
after prize giving,
Mr Au-yong
gave a ending speech.
yeah! able to hear
him better! (:
went off to look
for Mr lee..
he say go have
lunch first..
Yx and I was
laughing loudly!
super funny!
though Mr Lee
dunnoe wad we
laughing at! (:
looked for Mrs cheong.
she came along. (:
sit in Mr lee car.
2nd time.
went to a near-by
cake and cafe shop.
- Dino -
had Mee siam.
Delicious! (:
Thx a lot Mr Lee!
2nd time treat le.
was enjoying the
knew why
Ms Koh SJ
is taking overr..
sigh.. I still prefer
Mrs Cheong! (:
Mrs cheong so funny.
she asked why I had
so much eggss which
she only have a little!
told her to take mine..
since I dun eat de. (:
Mr Lee asked why I
order Mee siam if I
dun eat eggss.. Lolx.
Mrs cheong so funny.
hahas.. keep disturbing
Mr Lee. hahas!!
she asked why
we didnt go Jack's place.
hahas! then Mr lee
came up with
funny excuses.. (:
then chatted
awhile more.
left the place.
board Mr lee car
and off we go back
to CTSS. (:
on the way,
Mrs cheong alighted.
saw Kasinah! Lols.
the world is soo small.
then had more
talking in the car
after Mrs cheong
alighted. :]
joked arnd.
was laughing lots..
went to Tutorial
room to have some
lessonss.. Remedial
lessonss.. (:
Learn how to change
recurring decimals
into fractions. yeah!
Mrs cheong didnt
teach us! =X
asked abt some topics
in the tys. soo blur!
complain abt Ms toh!
Lolx.. bad of us. (:
at ard 1.30pm,
was chit-chatting.
know more abt
Mr lee.
Teachers are so
Interesting! (:
went out of the
tutorial room
after tat.
went to the toilet.
saw Mr lee at the
staff lounge! (:
he so cute + funny!
Mr lee is soo cute
and funny! (:
So lucky to have him
as a teacher! rawk on!
Mr Tan - really have
to take care! u are sick!
Mr Lee - Thx for ur
lunch and extra lesson.
Ms wu - yeah! u rawks!
keep rawking! (:
tats all!
x First Day of the new term x
Monday, June 27, 2005 @ 3:54 PM
back frm sch!
Fun day eh?
reached 7-11
at 7am.
waited for Yx.
Saw Mr Tan
at 7-11.
he buying
wondering wad
tell u later..
hahas.. =)
then bought
sweets for
some reasons.
strolled to sch.
reach sch chatted
with Sally! (:
bell almost rangg..
Mr Ng screaming
at the sec oness..
first day of sch
screaming lerh..
then the bell goess..
all so noisy.
was called to sit down
again. dotss..
first day leh! ) :
Weather soo
hott oso..
super hott..
Listen to
Theres a change
in time-table.
went back to class
for TPI lesson. (:
gt new timetable.
all so wierd! ) :
Got the Sch carnival
couponss.. woo..
$5 each..
who wan the tickets?
10 pieces to sell.
ask my god bro to come!
hehex.. (:
Chem lesson next.
Mr murali let us
copy the timetable.
follow by some recap
of Metalss..
then went into
Organic Chemistry!
all about Carbon..
kind of interesting?
I hope soo..
Maths lesson next..
woo.. Mr Lee! (:
went thru those
maths paperss..
follow by Chinese..
have to do Compo.
Title: Love letter.
Damn lamee.. ) :
Manage to write
a stupid + Made up
story. wadeva. (:
Went to pass up
my report book.
Oso return The
Da Vinci Code
to Mr Tan.
Chatted with him
awhile. He is sick.
Take Kare hor!
actually he is not
sick. Just tat his
voice.. err.. ish..
something lyk
sorethroat + cough?
smthing lyk tat.
He say he ishh too
nervous as sch
is reopenin!
He say he is lyk tat.
hmm. interesting. (:
oso ask him to
help me check
the CME speech.
so many errors!
must improve!
haa.. went back
to class..
Mrs cheong
Walked pass.
she say she is not
gonna teach us CME
tis semester!
Ms Koh Su jun will
be taking overr..
that EL teacher?
Guess we will
hate her! hahass..
Make trouble for her?
Maths again!
go thru maths paperss.
finally finished! (:
Physics next.
Lame game.
oh well.
at least I kind
of enjoyed it. (:
we are required to sit
in a circle on the floor.
then get a partner.
tear the piece of paper
into 2 equal half. (:
draw ur name on one side
and have to pass on to
the person on your right!
They are suppose to write
a compliment for u! (:
Cool eh? did tat for
more than 20 mins?
have fun reading and
guessing who wrote wad.
fun game! (:
then Sch ended!
went for lunch
with the Pajamas dream.
Lolss.. which include
Qimei, Sally,
Yue xiu and Me! (:
after eating,
teach Sally
some maths. Lolx.
training to be a teacher.
didnt manage to do one.
gonna try it later! (:
tats all for today!
Mr Tan - Take kare!
dun be too nervous. (:
Mr Lee - Take kare too!
dun eat too much fried food!
x wosh x
Sunday, June 26, 2005 @ 9:55 PM
here to blog again.
mad huh.. 
went to west coast
for Lunch.. Yum!
Chicken rice! =)
then walked arnd..
bought Hello Panda
lots of them.
oso bought some
Gummy Fangs..
hehex.. 
looks disgusting!
gt some evil plans
in mind.. 
hmm.. okie le.
time to go!
10.00 pm lerh!
sleeping time! 
see ya guys in
sch tmr!
x Last day of Holiday x
@ 11:41 AM
Yooshh.. 
Its already the
last day of Holiday!
Sch gonna reopen
in less than a day!
cant wait for it.
maybe I cant sleep 
tonite?? OMG.
cant think anymore!
Lolx.. gOing a little
Crazy lerh... =)
hmm.. woke up
at 9.15 am!
soo earlyy..
My brainn
dun wan to let
me sleep! 
Lolx.. being lame..
then since I cant
find anything to do..
I decided to watch..
Miss Congeniality 2
Nicee.. =)
5/5 star!
The show soo cool..
Lurvee it!

so bored..
have to finish
my last bit of
homework later!
got to go!
x Holiday ending x
Saturday, June 25, 2005 @ 4:12 PM
Here again.
feeling better!
I am prepared
to go back to
Sch! Ironed
my uniform le.

wee~ so bored.
waiting for time
to pass. =)
aww.. My printer
spoilt liao!
made spoilt by me!

now cannot print le.
at least still can scan.
sianz leh..
okie bah.
better get going.
need to write my
CME speech out since
printer no ink!! 
Sch reopen in another day time!
x New bloggy x
Friday, June 24, 2005 @ 11:34 PM
I wont
be bloggin the
old blog le.
This is a new de!
the last one
can say is full le,
as I think they
are deleting my
older entry! =)
Its also to forget
my past memories.
I really wanna
forget them..
They are useless
and harmful to me.
I hope I am living
without a Past.
Sick and tired of
my life. 
I am thinking why
am I in 4c2 now.
Really hate being there.
Its so chaotic.
can I still lurve
going to sch.. 
now the tears are
arnd me.. coming
to the world. 
I really feel lyk
dieing sometimes.
Will there be a
for me.. sighh..
Today had been
a busy day for
Me! soo busy.
woke up at
then did my
Maths homework.
the TYS de.
I manage to do all,
except the last qns.
yesh! I think I can
do maths early
in the morning! 
went for lunch.
played some games.
Clean the house!
I clean my room
and the kitchen.
they are clean now~
hehex. gonna clean
them once a week.
hehex.. did tat all
the way till abt
dinner time.
Happy birthday to Zhi yong!
all da best!
Miss ya lots kasinah!
get a gd rest worh! =)
cya soon!