x First Day of the new term x
Monday, June 27, 2005 @ 3:54 PM
back frm sch!
Fun day eh?
reached 7-11
at 7am.
waited for Yx.
Saw Mr Tan
at 7-11.
he buying
wondering wad
tell u later..
hahas.. =)
then bought
sweets for
some reasons.
strolled to sch.
reach sch chatted
with Sally! (:
bell almost rangg..
Mr Ng screaming
at the sec oness..
first day of sch
screaming lerh..
then the bell goess..
all so noisy.
was called to sit down
again. dotss..
first day leh! ) :
Weather soo
hott oso..
super hott..
Listen to
Theres a change
in time-table.
went back to class
for TPI lesson. (:
gt new timetable.
all so wierd! ) :
Got the Sch carnival
couponss.. woo..
$5 each..
who wan the tickets?
10 pieces to sell.
ask my god bro to come!
hehex.. (:
Chem lesson next.
Mr murali let us
copy the timetable.
follow by some recap
of Metalss..
then went into
Organic Chemistry!
all about Carbon..
kind of interesting?
I hope soo..
Maths lesson next..
woo.. Mr Lee! (:
went thru those
maths paperss..
follow by Chinese..
have to do Compo.
Title: Love letter.
Damn lamee.. ) :
Manage to write
a stupid + Made up
story. wadeva. (:
Went to pass up
my report book.
Oso return The
Da Vinci Code
to Mr Tan.
Chatted with him
awhile. He is sick.
Take Kare hor!
actually he is not
sick. Just tat his
voice.. err.. ish..
something lyk
sorethroat + cough?
smthing lyk tat.
He say he ishh too
nervous as sch
is reopenin!
He say he is lyk tat.
hmm. interesting. (:
oso ask him to
help me check
the CME speech.
so many errors!
must improve!
haa.. went back
to class..
Mrs cheong
Walked pass.
she say she is not
gonna teach us CME
tis semester!
Ms Koh Su jun will
be taking overr..
that EL teacher?
Guess we will
hate her! hahass..
Make trouble for her?
Maths again!
go thru maths paperss.
finally finished! (:
Physics next.
Lame game.
oh well.
at least I kind
of enjoyed it. (:
we are required to sit
in a circle on the floor.
then get a partner.
tear the piece of paper
into 2 equal half. (:
draw ur name on one side
and have to pass on to
the person on your right!
They are suppose to write
a compliment for u! (:
Cool eh? did tat for
more than 20 mins?
have fun reading and
guessing who wrote wad.
fun game! (:
then Sch ended!
went for lunch
with the Pajamas dream.
Lolss.. which include
Qimei, Sally,
Yue xiu and Me! (:
after eating,
teach Sally
some maths. Lolx.
training to be a teacher.
didnt manage to do one.
gonna try it later! (:
tats all for today!
Mr Tan - Take kare!
dun be too nervous. (:
Mr Lee - Take kare too!
dun eat too much fried food!