x Happy 40 birthday Singapore x
Tuesday, August 09, 2005 @ 10:47 PM
First of all..
I wanna wish..
Happy birthday to u!!
40 yrs old..
40 yrs of independent!
rawk on singapore!
back to how i spend my day..
its fine..
busy doing my MATHS!
crap.. so many to do..
and i donno how to do them!
TYS!! damn..
really hope i cld get a A1
for it.. hope hope hope..
have to try harder liaoo..
Left with only 10 days to
the start of prelims..
hais.. sad..
have to do the best frm
tmr onwards! Jia you!
i had been kind of slacking!
not gonna slack tmr!
Gonna hide myself in my
room and do my homeworks!
Oh man..
the NDP tis yr was nice!
got the tanks and everything!
nice nice nice!
("v") it lotss!!
the Firework nice man!
I lyk the one in Tampanies.
I saw the Tanks LIVE!!!!
OMG! Its geogeous!
so nice and beautiful!
saw it right under my
block there.. NICE.
there's the fighting tanks,
navy and lots of others..
lyk the ambulance and
Police force! rawks!!
took some pics..
but cannot see..
all are DARK!
only can see the spot light
of the cars man! so sad..
I should have run down
to the road there and
take a look! (:
arrh.. sad sad..
no fun liaoo..
but nvm..
at least got to see it
then nthin ler..
heex.. boring day..
oh ya!
I chatted with
Jin Yi today!

[. Mr JinYi .]
Miss him lots and lots!!
He is still so Cute and Handsome!
hehehex.. JinYi, Rawk on and
come back soon... really miss ya!
Jinyi will rawks worhh..
lalalas.. Miss ya! ("v")
okie lahh..
time to go..
have to rest early
and do my homework!
Happy Birthday Singapore!
BYE! ("v")