wrote finish my EL homework for now..
Saturday, September 17, 2005 @ 4:56 PM
I am here..
tmr will be my last post..
then I am gonna do my full force
revision! I must get 3 pts!!
My prelim now left with 1 more pt..
will it be POA or Add maths?
I hope it will be both lah..
opps! cannot lahh..
Monday have to stay in
sch for whole day bah..
after sch need to do
last yr N level paper 2..
after tat maybe gt
geog remedial..
then after tat remedial I
still have to stay for English!
wah seh.. busy leh..
but i think is worth it lah..
since N level is only 16 days away..
aww.. tats 2 weeks and 2 days..
i think so..
donno how to count lahh...
wad i can say is..
GAMBETTE to all! :)
tats the mao mao who is
always in our sch! :)

Fierce Mao mao!
Grr! I wan to eat u!
hahaha.. so cute rite?
heex.. :)
tats all..
Bye! :)