com is backk = I am back! Lolx..
Thursday, November 17, 2005 @ 3:26 PM
didnt know my mom so gd..
she send the com for repair! :P
now its backk!
yay!! :D
so here i am to blog!!
hmmz.. lets see...
tues went to orchard! :)
here are the neoprints!

err.. am I crazy? hahaha!

hmmz.. sally with her ICE-CREAM!

X-mas edition! *YAY!*

Princess edition?
thats the end of the neoprints~ :D
Wednesday, went back to sch!
help Ms Tan..
then play batminton again! :D
next week might have more pple playing~
hahahax.. must see how lo..
then today went to Popular..
bought the book, Eleven minutes.
By Paulo Coelho.
Author of "The alchemist" and "The Zahir"
hmmx.. tats all for now!
lurve this bloggy.