Love Ms Wu! <3
Tuesday, July 11, 2006 @ 10:24 PM
been really busy studying for my papers!! So far only completed EL, Phy, Chem, SS. Tmr gonna be Geog. I cant decide on which topic to choose.. Agri of Manufacturing? HAIS! been so tired.. So many papers to take yet time decides to move on slowly.. To me, it seems like it has gone for a number of days.. but till now, its only the end of tuesday. I am already exhausted. But, I will still continue on.... I must do well for O levels. GIVE ME STRENGTH! (:
Today met up with Ms Wu! I MISS HER LOTS! *a kiss for her* LOL. (: She is sooooo SWEET! she planted 25 cactus for each of us. mines tall and fat! I shld say healthy! (: here's the pic of my beloved cactus.
Such a cute little cactus rite? I LOVE IT. Shall take care of it as the days goes by.. I shall update more when it grows. GROW little cactus. <3