5C2 BBQ! :D
Saturday, December 23, 2006 @ 12:19 PM
BBQ ended ytd night! (:
Thanks to those who put in lots of effort to make this BBQ a success! :D
Thanks to those who had turned up so that the BBQ wont be human-less? LOL. :D
anyway, met Sally, Yq & ChingEr to go to Mr Lee's house. (: reached there abt 6.30pm. then headed to Mr Lee's house but end up going to the BBQ pit to meet grace , chingling & Mr Lee. :D
so have a little chat then soon the rest started to arrive. BBQ started! there was suppose to be a surprise for Mc, but Mr lee said it out. so there wasnt a surprise anymore. but hope she really had fun! :D Cant wait for another gathering again! :D
Mr murali and Ms Koh came too! I MISS THEM! :D Mr Murali was having a chem lesson with us on BBQ. Lolx! Really miss all the lessons in sch! :D I miss all the teachers! Ms wu was coming too. but later but somehow she didnt as we was already ending the BBQ. :D
we played soccer while waiting for the time to pass. I pity that guy who was swimming man! he had to help us take the ball when it was kicked into the pool and he was hit by the ball when resting! SORRY! :D
It was really fun! then talked to Mr Lee & Ms Koh. Ms Koh telling her story! hehe! :D Bet she must had enjoyed herself when she was out at hongkong! :D
before we know it, time passed by like a bullet train. it was abt 10.30 when we decided to end our BBQ. Celebrated MC birthday. May all the wishes come true. :D
took photo together and we helped pack up! Mr Murali and Ms Koh left first. then after clearing all the stuff, we went off together but parted ways after leaving Mr Lee's house. :D
Overall, the BBQ was a success. Though there was some people who was not helping. so yup, I did enjoy myself ALOT! (: THANKS TO MR LEE, MRS LEE & their son who also did helped out and rented the BBQ pit for us. :P
and here goes the pictures.
-With Mr lee's son!-
-Fun Shot!- :D
&BYES! Just grab it from here if I am not online! (: