unlucky day. :(
Thursday, July 12, 2007 @ 7:43 PM
sigh. I nearly broke into tears today in sch due to the 'sudden loss of the $40!' sigh. I really feel very helpless. I really can't remember where it dropped to!!! wth. Its like it just disappear. looked for it for so long and so many places, still can't find it. so yah, i will pay for that $40 back to yingmin since i am the one who lost it. :( hais..
seriously, i really want to know where is it... hais.
Was feeling really restless for the first hour of STATS lesson.. due to that careless incident. :(( sigh. I think abt it for the stats lesson.. and nothing new came into my mind.. so hais.. just too bad i guess. :( was going crazy during cell bio practical lesson.. sigh sigh sigh. cos was pairing the chromosomes.. SO DIFFICULT LA! :( but i still manage to finish it! ((:
shall blog till here... tadaas! I'm feeling low again.. :(