tired. :/
Wednesday, October 31, 2007 @ 5:17 PM
oh great, i'm so tired now. :/
just woke up from an hour sleep..
phew, was revising IPC, then nods away to lala land. :X
too chim to understand. hahas!
i still dont get it why s subshell has 1 orbital,
p subshell has 3 orbital.... and so on.. hahas..
maybe its not in our syllabus yah?
i shall just memorise them. :)
today had lab safety and aseptic technique test.
it was alright. :D
other than the pressure for autoclaving. :P
just cant rememeber. :X hahas.
then a little bit of lecture and off we go for IPC.
tutorial was okay, just feel that the grading system for CA
is totally stupid. those who didnt do can get full marks for
the tutorial cos they copied the ans. and us, who did it,
got some wrong and hence, a lower marks.
so are we suppose to do or not to?
i guess life is seriously UNFAIR. :/
Physio tutorial was OKAY.
Ms Shandra was dressed as a witch
cos today was HOLLOWEN- lols.
and we each had a choco each. :)
thanks. (:
then manage to learn more about last week lecture.
so much more clearier NOW. so yuppie!
its kind of fun. hehes. physio isnt that bad...
if only she teaches slower. :) WAKAKAKAs. :D
IPC lab tmr... :)
hopefully it will be fun. :P
lalalas. testing for some gas i heard,
have not read the manual yet. :P
and practical is at 8.30am not 8.
eekkss, weird timing. :/ haha!
okay, i shall end here and blog more when there are more stuff. :D
lalalas... i'm going back to my lala land soon. :/
hees..... BYES!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 @ 4:44 PM
was under Dr Lisa Ho for just 2 weeks!
then was changed. YUCKS!
& now its Ms Shandra. (whatever how u spell her name.)
EEKSSS. I dont like it! :(
wondering how is she.. hais.
Ms Teh was so much nicer!
and if only Ms Teh didnt leave,
then we wont have MS SHANDRA to teach
us PHYSIO! we will have EDDIE ONG instead.
anyway, I dont remember now if i had blogged abt
physio lesson before, BUT, i'm going to do it now!
sorry if this is a repeat! :D
I seriously dont understand HER lessons lahs.
talk so fast, no EXPLAINATION etc.
YUCKS. i dislike physio lec now!
someone help me with THE BONES! AHHHHH!!!!!
hais, i still think MS TEH is the BEST!
anyway, ytd's NTUC dinner and dance was alright.
kept laughing NON STOP LAH.
the MC WAS SUPER COOL. hahas.
there was magic show, games and luckydraw.
didnt win ANYTHING LA.
food was alright. :P
okay, i dont feel like blogging abt it. :P
lalalas.. i'm so lazy to blog lahs. hahahas..
i shall end here then- :P
my blog seems lifeless without PICTURES! ARRHSS..
okay, i shall go do my maths tutorial
and start studying for tmr's
lalalas.. BYES! :D
Sunday, October 28, 2007 @ 10:18 PM
i'm so tired lahs.
worked ytd night.
then worked today morning all the way till 4pm.
I dont like this type of life lahs.
so mudane. so lifeless. EEKS.
hahaha~ okay, thats lame.
anyway, i think everyone can see that i CHANGED MY BLOG SKIN!
lols. :P no need for me to announce ehs? HAHA!
this skin looks good. hehes.
acutually wanted a POKEY DOTTY skin.
but eventually, THIS LOOK BETTER. :D
AGREE?? put up ur hands if U AGREE! :D
tag if u really PUT UP EHS. :X
anyway, i was watching GONG ZHU XIAO MEI the past few days!
hahas. nice show mans. but i dont know the ENDING YET.
no one posted till the end yet. SIGHS.
shall keep waiting then.. :P
have to attend NTUC dinner & dance TMR.
great ehs.
I have to rush all the way to SUNTEC after SCH.
busy day for me.
& i have no idea what time i will get home. :/
then i have to be in sch by 8am on TUES for practical.
DIE AH..........................
hahahas.. okay, whatever.
i shall blog after sch on tues then-
ending here----
its friday again~
Friday, October 26, 2007 @ 8:26 AM
time really flies,
2nd week of sch almost over.
just left with 4 hrs of IS modules. :D
ytd had the first IPC pratical!
and it waaas alright. hahas.
partner with Jiahui!
did some preparation of solution
& did titration. HAHA.
first time for me doing it.
eeks. but it isnt that bad.
just scary. hahas.
gt to be careful and on the lookout
for the 'end point'
so yups, its quite fun actually. :D
and guess what, this time the TSO
is the chinese TSO that we had last sem
for OBC! :D and now i know he is Mr Tang. :D
really nice person, & he remembered us. :P
lols. :D
maths tutorial was alright.
did some tutorial qns and revision for MOL.
i missed 1 qns for MOL. lols. so end up only 4 yellow stars!
& now i have 2 red stars. hehes. :D
started doing on coordinate geometry. :D
yays. my fav. hehes. :)
okay, i shall end here.
got to rot till time is up for me to go to sch. :D
& my bro just went to NS.
so its going to be super quiet at home. :X
hees. will miss him & his many rubbish for sure. :P
ending here...
Practical! :D
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 @ 10:06 PM
had practical today morning!
most of us are on time. :D
then waited..
and lesson started. :D
today we did some glucose nutrients broth. :/
which is made of glucose + nutrients broth and 220ml of H2O! :D
hahas. the smell is disgusting.. :X
then we made glucose nutrients broth agar.
the smell was even WORSE la. :X
hahas. terrible smell. :X
did 2 broth, 2 agar deeps and 2 agar slant. :D
learnt about making agar plates.
kind of fun actually!
have to disinfect a lot of stuff though~
& that includes hands, table and lighting a spirit lamp~
((: kind of nice. :D
then learnt about fume hood.
lots of theory kind. haa.
and also saw the autoclaving machine.
not bad ehs, BIG! & it takes a long time. :D
did 16 streaks on agar plate with budding yeast!
it has a long name! & i haven memorise yet.. hahas. :D
so over rall today's practical was alright.
quite fun. just the incineration of the bacteria takes LONG.
and have to do it after every 4 streaks. HIAKKS.
aisyah melted a plastic bottle! HAHA! :D
had lunch, saw KASINAH! :D
then headed for tutorial for MB.
it was super chim for tutorial. :S
hahas. dont know lots of terms & i didnt have lappy with me. :/
so guessed and Dr Ho explained them quite detailed,
but there are just too many terms.. CHIM terms. :S
then went for maths lecture.
not that bad. :D
was doing radicals.
and followed by FUNCTIONS.
f(x) and so on. hahas.
jiahui & i was busy doing tutorial of radicals
while the lecturer was ranting and ranting. HAHAS.
I didnt listen much! lols. :D
cos i heard functions for lots of times.
just need to listen for next lec.
domains and range. :D
hahas. early dismissal & therefore reached home EARLY. :D
watched drama, did my maths tutorial, read through phys lec notes.
so many things to do.
haven start on MOL for week 2. sighs.. :/
lots more to do!
shall keep on doing! ((:
okay, i shall end here!
& i'm going to blog the last sentence just for KASINAH!
see that KASINAH?? :D
Monday, October 22, 2007 @ 10:55 PM
yays yays yays!! :D
it went lost ytd night abt 8+pm..
and its only found till 8+pm tonight.
COOLS eh. he went missing for a day.
and he came back, hungry & a little CRAZY.
i have no idea why he is crazy.
guess he is acting up. :/
I'm glad he is back.
it feels weird to lose him in the house.
hais. luckily he isnt dead or anything.
phews. :D
just finish reading practial 2 for tmr.
& there are many chim terms. :/
photoautotrophs? photoheterotrophs?
HAIKKK! i have no idea what are they!
but i checked my new-brought txbk
& they have it! :D wahhahas.
its great. at least the txbk provide me infos. :D
:D :D :D
i'm so officially BROKE. hahas.
& its called KASPER, not casper the friendly ghost!
but still its a ghost which claimed to be friendly. HAHA.
shall post the photo up next time. :D
i shall end here. its raining again. :/
byes. MB isnt so bad afterall. :D
i think IPC is still worst. haa. though i understand the lessons.
must be Mr kueh. :/
byes. :D
JOKE! hahas.
Sunday, October 21, 2007 @ 3:45 PM
An Indian moves to Montreal and goes to a big department store looking for a job.
The manager asks, "Do you have any sales experience?"
The Indian says, "Yeah, I was a salesman back home".
Well, the manager liked the young man, so he gave him the job.
"You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did,
but let me give you a bit of advice.
If a customer comes looking, say, for toothpaste, you might suggest for hima toothbrush, or shaving cream etc.
You get the idea?" "Of course," the young man said.
His first day on the job was rough but he got through it.
After the store was locked up, the manager came down. "How many sales did you make today? The Indian says, "One"
The manager groans, "Just one?
Our sales people average 20 or 30 sales/day. How much was the sale for?"
The Indian says, "$101, 237.64."
The manager exclaims, "What? $101,237.64? What did you sell him?"
The Indian replied, "First I sold him a small fish hook.
Then I sold him a medium fishhook.
Then I sold him a larger fishhook.
Then I sold him a new fishing rod.
Then I asked him where he was going fishing,
and he said down at the coast,
so I told him he was going to need a boat,
so we went down to the boat department,
and I sold him that twin engine Chris Craft.
Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it,
so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4X4 Pajero."
The manager says "You mean a guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and truck?!"
The Indian says, "No, no, no, he came in here to buy a box of Kotex for his wife and I said, "Well, since your weekend's already screwed up you might as well go fishing!!"
The manager fainted...
LOLs. like tat also can!! :/ hahas!
i'm back from work. & i'm super sleepy now.
hehes. cos i slept at 1.30am ytd and woke up at 6.15. :/
haa. i'm sleepy sleepy!
luckily the last few days i started doing my homeworks.
now left with phys, maths-on-line & IPC tutorial.
hehes. not that bad ehs. :D
okay la, i shall cont. to do them. ((:
Friday, October 19, 2007 @ 9:33 PM
cats isnt that bad after all! :D
lecturer is nice! :P
he released us EARLY!
like an hour! LOL.
so i ended up waiting for jiahui & pehsee!
hahas.. luckily i brought my story book with me! ((:
and yah, i think there are quite a lot of business pple!
& i know new friends! :D
clarine, ivan, oliver and cashrine i think. :X
I'm not really good in remembering names. :X
i'll be doing projects with them. :D
nice pple and great thinkers. :D
lalalas. i'm sleepy. hahas.
still have many many tutorials to do!!
must jiayou!!
tmr working 1.30pm & sun working morning! :D
so not bad. hees.. :D
okay bah. at least i meet new friends!
& i'm in wellness programme. :D
chingling is in too! :D WOOOOS.
will be going to the new nice GYM!
with great AIRCON! :D
hahas. rubbishing.
hee. thats all for today. :D
its fri~
@ 11:54 AM
opps~ its fri alr.
1 week passes by quickly! hahas..
will be going to sch soon..
for IS lessons.
cats & S&W. :/
i shall blog more when i come back.
i hope my classmates are nice.
okay, thats all for now. :D
fate (:
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 @ 5:42 PM
busy today!
saw mrs kwok in the morning!
also the chinese TSO for OC last sem!
went for MB lab.
the teacher, alicia, is kind of nice. :D
had some boring lab stuff.
all the rules & reagents.
CHIMS ahhs.
saw TSO for Cbio last sem too!
then went to print MB lec notes & practicals.
or maybe 190? i have no idea. :/
then lunched at canteen 2~
chicken rice was alright.
then headed to blk 50 for mb tutorials.
saw CHINGER again. :D
once ytd, today another time. :D
Dr lisa ho is nice. :P
& i was made class rep.
then ran for maths lecture.
saw Mr mak on the way. :)
and also qimei! :D
no more SEATS!
have to sit infront. hais.
so sat and did algebra.
break went to the ladies and saw MRS CHAN!
piang ehs!
then continue with lec.
then early dismissal, but stayed for tutorial!
cos it was brought forward upon our request. :D
so tutorial lasted for about half an hour.
headed to collect our notes that we send for printing. :D
damn exp!
its like $9.80.
not tat bad actually.
luckily not binded. :D
if not more exp.
now still have IPC's tutorial wkshts
& phys stuff. lec notes!
i'm BROKE la.
wondering what to do with maths.
TB is so EXP la. :(
BOO. $56.70 i think. :(
& i'm thinking of buying microbio tb. :/
okay bah.
i shall end my post here. :D
lalalas~ i'm hungry! :X
byes. :D
First new semester! :D
Monday, October 15, 2007 @ 11:11 PM
today is the brand new semester...
lecture at 9am.
IPC. Dr Kueh. :D
he is funny, lame & the video he showed us IS TOO BORING :(
he dismissed us EARLY!
& my break adds up to 4.5hrs.
then chilled out outside E-mart.
playing with lappy & discussing which S&W to join.
yah, time table sucks. :(
afternoon doesnt have much nice games!
or rather those that i want! :(
so my final 3 choices for S&W goes to WP, TE & BA!
lols. which means wellness program, tennis & badminton.
haa... wadever man. & i dont know anyone in my cats class! :(
then had lunch, went to library to use lappy again.
done with the photography competition thingy.
can submit tmr alr. :D :D :D
& we have ultra gd news, that is, NO LESSON FOR LSCT on thurs! :D
super cool! :D & that is becos of the retreat that the teachers are going!
so yah, actually fri wasnt suppose to go too.
but its IS for us, not LSCT lesson.
had MB lesson.
had to print own notes. HELL.
& now my printer just goes on strike,
so of the 6 copies that i printed, 1 is totally no ink-y kind.
opps, sorry to whoever is going to take that. :X
then went to blk 51 for maths.
ARRHS, maths teacher isnt that nice.
she talks fast! & i didnt get at all any notes that we is talking abt!
hahas.. next time seriously have to sit right in-front.
totally no clue sitting at the back la. :(
have to cheong for lesson tmr. :D
then went home.. thats roughly how my day ended.
& it kept raining.
think its crying for us cos we are like the poly students
who went back to SCH! :(
sec & pri sch students are at home ENJOYING.
okay, i seriously have to get to bed soon!
& i still cant decide what to wear tmr.
okay, BYE!
need to pack my bag man. :D
brand new.
Sunday, October 14, 2007 @ 5:14 PM
a brand new week!
a brand new term!
a brand new modules!
.. brand new BLOGSKIN! :D
.. but a tired me. :(
hahas. thats lame. :P
okay, i'm so supposed to transfer the photos from my hp to my lappy!
but i'm OH-SO-LAZY! & procastinating. LOLs.
now wait, i dont know where i left my HP! :( lols...
i think its somewhere la...
gt to find and transfer the photos...
quite a lot actually. EEKS. hahas.
tmr gonna be start of sch.
got to wake up early! and go for LECTURES.
ahhh! SH*T! i haven printed my time table!
and alsoo.... I cant log in to anything now! :(
i dont know where to go for lec tmr. hahas!
having MB, maths and another lec. zZz...
must be kind of boring. :X
& with the 4 hr of breaks ah, can DIE.
i rather be busy la. :( BOOOS.
sians, i haven shopped! :( booos. :(
going later! IMM, here i come. :P
BOOO la. :( LOUSY. hahahas.
i'm so tired! :(
worked like siao since ytd.
bOOS. but no pple one. hahahas!
ytd wasnt feeling gd la. & i excess a dollar again. :(
and today, i short of a dollar cos it dropped on the floor!
& i do the thingy 2 times. so TOO BAD. my $1!!! :(
wadeva la. i have yet to search for my phone yet! LOLS.
--BRB ehs.---
FOUND. :D lalalas..
90% of photos TRANSFERRED! :D


sally & me! :D

playing with my phone. nice though. :D
shall post more soon. stay tune. :D lovess
byes! i'm going for my shopping. :D
tadas! & ELMO IS CUTE :D
my break is OVER! :(
Thursday, October 11, 2007 @ 10:30 PM
okay, my break for this week are OVER. sighs.
kind of sad la, but I ENJOYED MYSELF A LOT! :D
met sally and yx and headed to JP for lunch.
walked arnd.
then headed to suntec while yx head back sch for her econs retest.
then head to marina sq where we CHILLED out.
hahas. had double choco! :) yums.
and we took photos.
shall post it maybe on monday. :P
i'm lazy & too TIRED. ahhhh!~
then meet yx at bugis!
sally & i brought the 'evil twin' shirt. :D
& we are going to wear it TMR.
shall post the pics up on monday as well.
then headed back to sally's house! :D
dinner & played mahjong.
then played poker, fishing! LOLs.
and we chatted & slept. :D
woke up today and played poker, fishing again. :P
and also uno! then had breakfast & played UNO stacko!!
so funny! :P
then headed to je for lunchh!
had spicy ramen & was irritated by the video!
LOLS. then headed home.
bathed, use lappy then headed to NP!
meet peihui to buy lecture notes.
ITS EXP! hahas..
then headed home and ZZZ for about an hour.
then meet kasinah and bus-ed to IMM. :D
walked arnd and meet louisa. :P
then window shopped while louisa tried on dresses! (:
ate then continued to window shopped. :P
i tried on a polo tee & skirt. :D
nicee! LOVE IT.
didnt buy.
gonna buy it soon. :P
then headed home. :)
took pics at the road. LOLS!
its lame la. hahahas.
but we had fun.
shall blogged abt them tog with the rest bahs.
then i'm here now blogging!
hahahas.. tmr working MORNING. HELL! :(
& i'm going to go out with friends tmr again! :P
wahahahas. BUSY ME.
then sat purely work.
sunday work morning then SHOPPING after tat.
shall blog again soon. :P
lalalas. BYES! :)
non-stop. :/
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 @ 12:36 AM
crapss. i'm not sleeping yet! hahas.
& i'm meeting sally & yx at 11.30am! WAHHHS.
die. i bet i will be a zombie tmr. :( BOOS.
got home latest today, ytd! 10.45pm.
normally i would be home even before 10.30!
sometimes i reach home at 10.10 la. LOLS!
& today was DAMN late.
thanks to those non stop customers!
& the paper jam causing the nets machine problems!
seriously, i didnt stop at all after i come back from my BREAK!
wah lao ehs. that means from 5pm to 9.15pm, I didnt get any REST.
its bad la.
i was slacking even on sunday!
but not TODAY, okay, wrong, its YTD.
wakakaka. damns..
& i dont get to see ytd's episode of metamorphosis!
BOOOS. cos i forgot to record. WAHLAO EHS.
unlucky day la.
but, at least I ATE DONUTS!
((: its totally not like the rest!
so now i know why it is rated 4.5/5 in 8days!!
hahas.. yums. & its gd to have a stall just 10mins away from my house!
okay, its located at clementi central la. so its not far!
& i didnt queue at all la. LOLs. so its GREATT!
tasted the silly-mon. (:
okay, i will update the correct name if this is wrong. :P
will be having more tmr.
& i will update the pics of DONUTS tmr. :D
or rather thurs!
cos i wont be home tmr!
i'm staying over at SALLY's home. (:
lalalas.. i cant wait to meet kasinah & lousia!
& also, my poly mates on thurs aftn to buy stuff!
that is if mel has UPDATED. dumb ehhs.
its still not updated!
& i guess i will miss MS TEH.
cos she went back to studying,
not teaching anymore.
kind of sad to hear it..
have not seen her for a month alr.
i guess we can still meet her for outings! ((:
right? hahahas..
*maybe during december holis!*
hahahas.. though its SHORT. :(
shall end here.
I need to SLEEP.
its going 1am soon!
omg. :( :( :(
or should i say, MORNING?
BYES (:(:
Tired. :/
Monday, October 08, 2007 @ 10:37 PM
finally, my first day of break for the week! hahas. :D
& wth again, was woken up by phone calls. AHHS.
so irriating. :( i HATE PHONE CALLs! :(
i want my sleep. :)
didnt went to work though.
mom helped me get out of it! YAYS. :D
mommy's great! :)
NTUC is BAD. hahahas!
didnt went shopping today.
cos it just keep RAINING! BOOS.
okay la. i better stop blogging.
wants to watch 'jiu chen gao' on channel 8! :D
MeL still haven have my modules updated!!
hais. I hope it will update soon! :D
byesss again. bleahhh~
energy expended. :(
Friday, October 05, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
okay, i'm still not asleep!
& guess what, i'm SO SO SO TIRED. :( BOOS.
today was a torture at work!
totally busy. was running around.
hahas. a form of exercise. :)
pheww. finally the day is over.
& i can conclude that I DRANK TONS OF WATER.
but at the end of the day, i'm STILL THIRSTY. :(
3 days off next week. :D :D :D
but I think its 3/4 planned. BLEAHHS.
so i will be busy for the entire week next week.
no rest ahh. hahas..
Monday - do some shopping by myself. :D & maybe library with kasinah..
tuesday - WORK. :/
wednesday - mahjong & sleepover at sally's house. :D
thursday - back to NP in the afternoon & dinner with kasinah & louisa.
friday, sat & sun - WORK.
hahahas.. :D but i hope it will be an enjoyable week.
cos its the last week of SCH HOLIDAY.
then its back to studies. :D
new teacher, new subject.
& lastly, my fav subject MATHS. :D
hehehes. I miss studying add maths from mr lee. :D
& i really MISS HIM A LOT.
it has been a long time since i saw him. :(
hope he is doing good. :D
shall end my blog here.
if not tmr i will be dead as a zombie. :/
feeling much better- (:
@ 10:32 AM
okay, the last post was totally EMO. hahas.
i'm feeling so much better already. :D
and to think of it, i think it must be my
-fever- that is causing all the EMOs. :(
almost didnt finish work ytd. HAHAS.
but i did finish it cos i was FEELING SO MUCH BETTER! :D
pheww~ 2nd customer and i gave wrong change already.
luckily by the end of the day, i didnt have shortages,
just excess by a dollar. HEHEHES!
i must have cheated someone money. :X
but who CARES la.
that time that idiot cheated me of 50Bucks leh!
so now, ((: smileee! hahahas. though its just a DOLLAR. (:
got my pay ytd. but till now no SHOPPING YET. :(
cos have to work till sunday! or even monday,
till i get OFF and i can finally DO MY SHOPPING. :D
I just love shopping, which girl doesnt? ((:
i need to get some tees, more bottoms (shorts), slipperss!
hehes. though i got myself a pair of slippers, but its TOO NOISY.
BOOOS. hahahas. :D i wont be wearing it to sch i guess? ((:
i'm in need of shorts. cant find any nice SHORTS.
opps. i forgot about the -photography- competitions. :X
opps. okay, i almost forgot. I shall do it next week. (:
need to choose 3 photos. thought of 1 already.
2 more to go. which to choose... :/
okay, now i'm going to upload some photos taken on
4th of sept, which is 1F06 classouting. (:
long time since i last blogged abt it.
has been lazy and wasnt really using my lappy.
so here they are! ((:
proudly presenting----

yingli & me. hahas. :D

yingli, me & pei hui! :D
okay, shall end here. going for my LUNCH. thats early. hahas. :D
BYES! going to work later. :D :D :D
i'm a happy girl! ((:
Thursday, October 04, 2007 @ 11:39 AM
arrhs. how great is it to be woken up by a phone call.
well, i can say is it is totally horrible!
it totally distroy all the mood of the entire day though
today was PAY DAY which was suppose to be GD day! ARHHS.
WTH. and its even worse that its from work place. wahhh.
if it was a call to tell u, u can take a break then I WOULD BE SO HAPPY.
oh WTF! cant stand it la. totally no link one.
this isnt suppose to be my problem whatt!
just becos the people working morning wants to go home early
then I, working the afternoon shift, have to go early!
NO LINKK! u see! :( I'm damn fed up with them.
this isnt the first time ALREADY.
dont have enough pple then DONT LET THEM GO BACK EARLY LA.
wahlao ehs. seriously, i cant stand them la.
really feeling ANGRY.. totally DISTRUB MY ENTIRE DAY MOOD.
and to think i still have to work for them till next week!
WAHH, really SAD LA. my holiday GONE AGAIN.
i dont care already LAH. next week 3 days off for me!
WED - out with SALLY. (:
THURS - out with louisa. hopefully kasinah can make it TOO! ((:
as for TUES, I'm going back to sch! or out with sally for shopping. :D
sally! let me know when u want to go shopping. :D:D:D
either tues or wed.
i will still have to head back sch to buy NOTES.
sighs. & I cant find her in the directory of staff anymore.
I wonder what is going on...
and yah, the lecturer for PHYS is out.
she has a werid name. HAHA.
& i dont like her name. aisyah knows why! hahas.
SHUGHS. seeing the time ticking away makes my BLOOD BOIL.
ARRHHS! i dont like working anymore!
why doesnt sch starts next WEEK! :( :( :(
EMO-ING all the way. :(
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Monday, October 01, 2007 @ 11:27 AM
first of all, wishing every CHILDREN a happy happy children day. ((:
& wishing all teenager a 'old' children day. hahahas!
okay, thats lame. :/
hee. but its kind of unfair la.
pri sch kids have children + youth day.
then sec sch have youth day.
then poly gt no special day.
so UNFAIR. :( we not youth meh.
how come cannot have youth day also. :/
anyway, time really flies, so fast its oct alr.
and that means my holidays are ENDING.
SHUGS. no fun.
i have not even started enjoying it!
& guess what, i kept dreaming of sch this few weeks.
and they are all weird dreams. -.-
like getting lost in sch for lessons. dots. :/
really weird. but i'm still waiting for sch to start.
cant wait to study new modules though they are like
biology related which i dont really like. =.=
hopefully it wont be a torture to go to sch bah. hahas.
& there is still no lecturer for PHYS. hahas.
i'm like a zombie now.
thanks to work ytd.
& its like no stop. really tiring.
and i guess i'm going to have some sore throat soon
though i drink TONS of water everyday. :(
weird body. hahas.
still have to work later at 4pm. sighs.
i think the customer also sick of seeing me.
hahas. like everyday afternoon sure can find me one.
not for long. hahas. next week is already the last week.
& i'm getting more off la. i want to go shopping!
& also mahjong with sally they all. :D
hees. anymore bookings? please let me know soon! (:
need to get off off off. ((: lalalas.
i cant wait to meet up with my sec sch fren actually.
I do miss them a lot. & i dont get to see them anytime soon.
unlike in sec sch, almost everyday will see them.
its so weird. haas. i miss them tons. :/
lets have gathering soon. ((:
okay, shall end my post here. getting bored.
hahas. I want to get my 8days. :D
hees. cant watch metamorphosis tonigh.
byes la. hahas.