Practical! :D
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 @ 10:06 PM
had practical today morning!
most of us are on time. :D
then waited..
and lesson started. :D
today we did some glucose nutrients broth. :/
which is made of glucose + nutrients broth and 220ml of H2O! :D
hahas. the smell is disgusting.. :X
then we made glucose nutrients broth agar.
the smell was even WORSE la. :X
hahas. terrible smell. :X
did 2 broth, 2 agar deeps and 2 agar slant. :D
learnt about making agar plates.
kind of fun actually!
have to disinfect a lot of stuff though~
& that includes hands, table and lighting a spirit lamp~
((: kind of nice. :D
then learnt about fume hood.
lots of theory kind. haa.
and also saw the autoclaving machine.
not bad ehs, BIG! & it takes a long time. :D
did 16 streaks on agar plate with budding yeast!
it has a long name! & i haven memorise yet.. hahas. :D
so over rall today's practical was alright.
quite fun. just the incineration of the bacteria takes LONG.
and have to do it after every 4 streaks. HIAKKS.
aisyah melted a plastic bottle! HAHA! :D
had lunch, saw KASINAH! :D
then headed for tutorial for MB.
it was super chim for tutorial. :S
hahas. dont know lots of terms & i didnt have lappy with me. :/
so guessed and Dr Ho explained them quite detailed,
but there are just too many terms.. CHIM terms. :S
then went for maths lecture.
not that bad. :D
was doing radicals.
and followed by FUNCTIONS.
f(x) and so on. hahas.
jiahui & i was busy doing tutorial of radicals
while the lecturer was ranting and ranting. HAHAS.
I didnt listen much! lols. :D
cos i heard functions for lots of times.
just need to listen for next lec.
domains and range. :D
hahas. early dismissal & therefore reached home EARLY. :D
watched drama, did my maths tutorial, read through phys lec notes.
so many things to do.
haven start on MOL for week 2. sighs.. :/
lots more to do!
shall keep on doing! ((:
okay, i shall end here!
& i'm going to blog the last sentence just for KASINAH!
see that KASINAH?? :D