tired =/
Saturday, December 29, 2007 @ 10:55 AM
I dont know what to blog actually lah.
just dont like it empty. =)
so yah, been working for the past 2 days.
real tiring.
working for these entire year ends tmr. =D
i feel happy that i'm ending
my work for this yr.
but then, it also means that
i dont have much money. =(
hais, where to get money to pay
for those expensive sch fees....
hais hais, i might have to work
even more during the next sch holiday.
hais, whatever la.
shall think of it when it comes. =)
time really flies,
so fast, 2007 is coming to an end.
just 3 more days to 2008! =)
recieved an email from Mr Mak.
He is so nice luh, always sending us
emails with special e-cards. =)
i miss those times where we are
having his lesson. =P
MS TEH, when can I get to see you again?
but i think the teacher whom i miss most is,
i seriously have not seen him for more than half a year.
so yah, hopefully, i do get to see him soon! =)
maybe I shall do a little thank you post on 31st. =D
since, I'm not working on that day. hehes. =)
so yah, a thank you post and a new year resolution! =P
okay, i just recieved a call asking me to work at 1.30pm
instead of my 4pm de. haha!
so, i should really get going le. =D
bye bye. i should go and bath and prepare. =(
hahas. bye again! =)
*okay, i feel like changing my blogskin again! =X opps! hahaha!*