DS lite. x)
Saturday, April 05, 2008 @ 6:45 PM
gt my nintendo DS lite enamel navy! x)
shared with my sis la.
I where have so much moneyy!
bought it at funshop at far east plaza there! :P
actually wanted white, but after 'researching'
the internet, they say the button might turn yellowish.
so yah, didnt get white. x)
somemore they say this enamel navy is getting
out of stock soon cos all the production stop alr.
so it like LIMITED la. :P hehehhe.
la la la. now I'm addicted to mario! & a puzzle game.
the puzzle game so difficult lahs. x(
okay, enough of the game thingy.
went gym today with lousia again.
& i saw that instructor again.
didnt do a lot today.
just not in the mood.
hahas. weirds.
then went je for lunch & go library.
then headed home.
my quadiceps are like so tired alr.
have to go to work tmr.
sian sian sian.
i dont want to work.
but i want money. x(
anyway, i just finish my 2 essays.
i think i will do better for the basicity one.
the chiral separation one ah, sure gone.
hahaha! x)
have yet to revise la.
shall do that soon! hehe..
gyming with sally on monday.
i hope my legs wont be aching! x)
shall end my blog here.
i'm sleepy! x.x