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Talk to me
busy busy..
Sunday, November 30, 2008 @ 10:11 AM
some pics took from practical classes. :]
monday(24.11.08) mmb lecs & PAT prac. it was less hectic (: no rushing for prac class. haa!
Tuesday(25.11.08) IMM lec & PAT lec. imm lec was still okay, understandable! :D CT coverage is entire notes! arghs!
Wednesday(26.11.08) CCTA lec, mmb lec, imm lec & mmb prac. lectures are still okay. mmb prac is okay. just observe the results & do the wkshts! :D
Thursday(27.11.08) slacked at home. :)
Friday(28.11.08) ccta prac test & imm mice bleeding & imm tutorial. prac test was okay (: shld be correct i hope? mice bleeding was tiring. the mice isnt that cooperative. but we manage to get enough blood! :) the lab after the bleeding look like some murder scene! so many blood everywhere. :( yet overall was okay. :) tutorial had to do splinter 3. then use some thing that look like lego to make antibody (:
GET ME A FOUR LEAF CLOVER NOWW! before i continue to bad luck. :(
anyway, let me start with my weekly post again! :]
Sat (15.nov.08) Went for the youth alliance thingy. tiring job. i'm so not going tmr. :( hahaha.. dont care. then went suntec for bookfest! on the way back saw Dr. Lau! hahaha.. i think its like fate lah. he is the only lecturer whom i saw outside sch! :] hahaha.. i hope fate will last...
Sun (16.nov.08) lots of home stuff to do. like HOMEWORK? haha.. okay, thats like sch work.. but yah, do some stuff here some there for sch..
Mon (17.nov.08) mmb lectures, PAT practical. mmb lecture was fine.. love all the nice songs & video he showed us! :]]
Pat was so boring lah. dragged till abt 4pm lah when its suppose to end at 3pm..
Tues (18.nov.08) IMM lectures, PAT lectures, MMB tutorial. IMM lecture was like confusing? esp. the last part? the MHC molecules. :(
PAT lecture was so dead lah. lecture notes was THICK. & he always jump arnd. :( cant seems to find the slide he shows :(
MMB tutorial was okay. Dr. New is nicee :] it was revision on all chapters covered! i like revisions lah. but i wasnt prepared. so had to like depend on ans! :((
Wed (19.nov.08) CCTA lecture, mmb lecture, imm lecture, mmb practical. ccta lecture was like rushing, so i wasnt really following.
mmb lecture was okay. lots of information on diseasess.. & i dont remember much now. :( i need revisionsss.
imm lecture was okay, MHC class I & II pathway.
mmb practical was okay. funnn :]] i like mmb prac more than ccta.. :X
Thurs (20.nov.08) last UFS class! had presentation and the lecturer wasnt listening lor. think i dont know. -.- then stayed back to do some proj & went to help out with the mending of booth of TYA. very bored lah. managed to finish reading assignment! :]]
Fri (20.nov.08) ccta practical, imm practical. ccta was like disgusting. but then ah, my grp was like suayy till cannot.. break 2 eggs and still only egg yoke. no embryo. ended up have to use the head of other grps embryo. and we had to cut out the eyes somemore. yuckss.. :( it wasnt smooth la. keep having probs. okay, maybe not just my grp, but grp that uses the grp A BSC. :( :( ended up only have 5-10mins of lunch. :( & dr. lau popped by to see us! :]] haha..
imm practical was okay lah. lots of stuff to do.. just to get a slide that we see only for 5mins? LOL.. then we had booster shot for the mice. hopefully it will be finee! :) next time is my turn! OMG.. please let it be smooth! next week another round of bleeding.
yah, thats abt it.. i'm so tired typing this.. & i'm HUNGRYYY! hahaha.. i shall go get some food. :D byebyes!
another week had passed.. okay, rather another busy week.
its time for my weekly update. HAHAHA! :)
Monday(9thNov08) only had plant tissue culture prac. its lasted from 11.30am to 4.30pm! OMG. 5hrs of torture & i was there cutting lime for i dont know how long. & i still have to do a report for her. after that was a little discussion of stuff. i gt a super huge blue black on my left small thigh too. LOL lah.
Tuesday(10thNov08) Immunology lecture for 2 hrs. lots of Igs(immunoglobulins). get to learn about B cells receptor! lalala... ANTIBODY! important part of a body! bet u didnt know u have such thing in your body right? & there is like millions millions of them? lols. :) okay, enough of 'introduction' to antibody. hahaha! anyway, thats what i learnt this week lah. more to continue next week!
then there was also plant tissue culture lecture. another crazy lecture. i can like only remember 1 thing? THINK LIKE PLANT! hahahaha! LOL okay. & the lecturer said my class is... THINKING MORE LIKE PLANTS! hahahaha...
Wednesday(12thNov08) ccta lec in the morning.. its like all abt cloning, contaminations.. blah blah blah. then also went to play with the micee! so cute lah! :) also went to greenhouse! quite a lot of my seedings died. :( so sad lah..
then immunology lec again. not that bad lah :) then followed by mmb prac. busy busy. continue of soil experiment, also did MIC & MBC. hopefully it will be successful bah. =]
Thursday(13thNov08) UFS again. last real lec. did report for next week presentation. then had chicken spud! yumms!! :)
Friday(14thNov08) saw Dr. New & Dr. Forday early in the morning! then CCTA practical. kind of fun lah, just a little tiring! was the first grp to finish! YAYS!
IMM PRAC. Dr. lim was on urgent MC. so classes was taken over by Dr. Alex... smthing! LOL, okay, whatever, i forgot his surname again! hahahaha.. just like dr. susan lee! she also forgot! :X lots of planning and stuff to do lah. sianss... & that ends my week in sch!
will be helping out in leo club for tmr. to GET CCA POINTS! YAYYY :] i want cca pts! :D
okay lah. i'm going to end here. want to revise a little already. :] jiayou!
& i think i really miss a lot of pple now. i want to get into my first choice for FYP! the rest GO AWAY LAH. dont steal my place. hahahaha! :]
this post is just for you, little coco, who left me on 12 nov 08. isn't he adorable? i really miss his presence in the house. :( he was here on 16 sept till 12 nov. less than 2 mths. i really miss him. :/ & he reminds me of my previous hamster, honeystar :(
i miss them. next time i dont want to have pets alr lah. i always feel sad when they pass on. :( now i'm worried about my sch's lab mice. i miss her too. :(
anyway, this post is just dedicated to him. he suffered so much on 12nov. and i think i'm kind of glad as i'm able to see him for the last time.
he went blind ytd and he passed away... he just gt smaller and smaller unlike doudou who gt bigger and bigger.
okay, i shall end here... if not i'm going to cry even more. :(
okay, i swear this week is tiring, but i'm sure next week will be worse. my days in sch is always full! :(
i shall blog abt last fri then this week too...
fri (31/10/08) okay, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :] i dont celebrate it but yah... just wishing... :P
had ccta practical and it was on cryopreservation. also known as freezing of cell culture.
immunology practical was cool, there was all the mini test tubes. its like 3-4times smaller than the one we always use.
then my grp mice was kipnapped. -.-''' i have no idea why my classmate can take the wrong mice! :( they end up trumatizing the mice lah. but overall was kind of good. :]
this week...
monday - mmb lectures & pat prac. also had badminton doubles, but lost in the 2nd match. whatever lah. :/ reached home at about 8.45pm.
watched this video on youtube!
tuesday - imm lec, pat lec, mmb tutorial, fyp briefing. lectures are killing me man, i always feel sleepy! :( just after mmb tutorial, there was another fire drill at the engineering blk. :/ & we ran away again! HAHAHA! =] fyp briefing was funny becos of dr. lau... :]
wednesday - ccta lec, mmb lec, imm lec, mmb prac. ccta lec was totally boring, was not paying much attention lah. :X mmb & imm lec was much better, but still, SLEEPY! :( mmb prac was more fun though it was like spreading, serial dilution again! & it was DR. LAU's BIRTHDAY! 20th birthday! hahaha :]
thursday - UFS was suppose to be 'e-learning'. but i ended up being in sch from 7.45am to almost 6pm! see lah, i'm so hardworking already! :x okay, no link. but yah, did mmb & imm proj all the way till 9.20am. then went to consult the UFS lecturer for proj. did e-quiz, had lunch. then all the way UFS proj till 6pm.
friday - ccta prac, imm prac, imm tutorial. ccta prac was fun, lots of laughter. will post the photos 'soon'. ended early and hence, more time for lunch! :] imm prac was fun too. though fingers was so tired due to continous pipetting. no mice this week. more of them next week. poor mice! :( imm tutorial was fun. had MeL tutorial and then played 'who wants to be a millionair game' on WBCs. was the 3rd to earn a 'virtual' $1 million! dr. lim was cute. cos fyp proj list was released at her lesson, everyone was so 'kan chiong!' then stayed back till 7pm to discuss.
i'm so tired just after this week. next week will be worse since UFS proj is due in week 6. then there is the woman prac & lec which is a killer. imm & mmb proj due in week 8. still have to confirm fyp proj. i think i'm going bonkers! :( i just want this sem to go by smoothly. i hope it will be great though. i so fully booked in sch.