Harry potter and the G.O.F
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 @ 10:03 PM
I am here to blog! :D
watched Harry Potter and the GOF!
its nice! :P
I lurve those TINY yet dangerous dragon!
they are soooo CUTE! :D

[. Just a poster on it.]

[. Cedric diggory.]
He died in the end! Sobs.. :S

[. Just a wallpaper .]
use it if u wan! :D

[. Hermonie worried for Harry .]
it was before the first challenge!

tats the first challenge!
Harry needs to take the golden egg!
tats the dragon he chose! :D
tats all for the pics!
catch it now! =P
hmmx.. gonna play batminton tmr~
yay! exercise day! :P