Lesson still rather ok.
I Love Chem now!
cos its on MOLE! LOLX!
the only topic i love! hehex!
Physics still at nulear physics.
hmmx.. Madam LIM SUCKS!
that is my chinese teacher. oh my,
Why the hell do I have her as my
Chinese teacher. WHAT LUCK MAN!
I give her face frm Sec 3 till now..
yet this yr she just vent all her frustrations
on me! what the hell does she want from me!
I do other subjects get scolded.
Give her face do her homework,
Listen to her lesson, I get what frm her?
and more SCOLDINGS!
What can she do other than scold?
She totally piss me of this few lessons man..
Since last fri she keep giving me attitiude..
what exactly does she want man..
Today just becos I didnt get a piece of paper
as I was reading the friday weekly,
I gt scolded AGAIN!
what the hell does she want frm me?
take frm her, get scolded again. WTF man!
still say I blame her.
Lets get this clear man, I am not given
the paper and yet I went to take frm her
and she still say this to me!
HELLO? I am definitely not in the wrong!
its her! WTF! keep picking on me..
This totally sucks.
How come she dont scold other pple who dont
listen to her lesson, who dont do her work?
instead keep picking on me.
I tried listening to her lesson and did most
of her homework. Just a word to describe her,
Thanks to her, I wasnt able to concentrate
on my maths lessons. Ass her mann..
Luckily Chem lesson manage to cheer me up.
PHEW! At least Chem lesson today is the most
enjoyable lesson i have for the whole day. :(
Recieved my Chem test on chem eqns.
manage to get 28/35.
which is 40/50. A1 for tat. :)
too bad my CA1 combine science was pulled
down by physics. hais..
Guess i have to work double hard frm
now on. so I can get a Distinctions for science.
English lesson still at Oral. bleahhx..
anyway, I will put in my best effort for all
all my subjects frm now on.
Cannot be distracted!
I must get my 13-15pts for O level. :)
5c2 shall break the record! :P
I am going to blog till here for today.
Flag day tmr. guess I shall do my best tmr
and get at least $20 in my tin or wadeva it is. :)
Put in all ur effort and the result
u get will be what you want to archieve.