oral screwed up.
Friday, July 28, 2006 @ 10:44 PM
I hate myself. Why always when I thought I will do fine, I will either screw it or did extremely bad. Always the feeling of being unable to get what I expected left me sad and crying over spilt milk. I want good result, but how? HAIS.
Today only managed to recieve back Add maths paper 1, which I feel that I have done extremly bad. I did not pass. As I recieve my paper back and took a look at my mark, there was tears forming in my eyes, waiting for the time to fall. I hate to see I did badly for my papers. It disheartened me, ALWAYS. I would then promise myself to work harder, but, I am likely to back out and once again to my slacking mode. I really hope I will be awake before Prelims comes. BRAINWASH AWAY ALL MY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS!
anyway, I screwed my oral which happens most of the time. I have no idea what has happened to me. My brain just doesnt seems to work. DEPRESSED. could be the music that is making my brain blank. HAIS! I want a retest! a different picture this time. I NEED TO DO WELL FOR PICTURE AND CONVERSATION! *help!
Think I shall blog till here. Not in the "hype" mode now. Hoping I will do well for my O level EL oral. Byes.