A millon thanks to Mr Lee.. :D
Friday, November 25, 2005 @ 10:08 PM
Grad ceremony lasted 2 hrs..
but i dun care! hahaha! :P
anyway, headed back to CTSS.. :P
then helped in the HOD once again.. :)
wahhx.. didnt know the cupboard gt soooo many stuffs!! :P
so many USEFUL yet NOT USED stuff!
hahax.. theres' lots of calculators in there!
its COOL! but no teacher used it yet..
hmmmx.. helped Mr lee till abt 5..
not yet 5 hor! hahax..
then Mr lee was great,
took us to Daily Scoop at sunset way..

thats the shop logo! YUM!
Really have to thanks Mr lee man!
the ice-cream was self-made,
by frying.. hmmx.. tats odd! haha..
had Simply chocolate and Hazelnut Haven!
they are simply delicious! YUM!
theres' more flavour like Lemon Sherbet,
Honey Vanilla! :)
there's more but not tat i like!
hmmx.. i seen frm the webby tat there are more!
and i just simply love the title itself! :)
here are some.. Bailey's Choc Chip, Mocha Mania,
OH! Sesame and the last one Green T.. :P
dun they seem yummy? hahaha!
gonna go there again next time! :D
hmmx.. after tat Mr lee send me back to my house.
hahax.. Thanks a lot Mr lee! :D
guess i shall blog till here!
I need my sleep! its already pass 12am!
BYE! <3